Reasons Why Berries Are Healthiest Foods

Reasons Why Berries Are Healthiest Foods

Why are berries the healthiest food? What are the health benefits of berries? They are among the most nutritious, delicious fruits, and provide several impressive benefits. They are low in calories and jam-packed with unique nutrients that help to bring a variety of health benefits. However, there are many different berries out there that it can be hard to choose, which one you should go for. From the smallest blueberry to the most giant and spikiest pineapple, berries are found in varied shapes and diverse. Here are the Top 20 best reasons to include berries in your daily diet.


Berries contain antioxidants, which control the free radical intake. Antioxidants are beneficial in small quantities and can cause oxidative stress in high amounts. Anthocyanins, resveratrol, and ellagic acid are present in berries. Blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries have the most antioxidant activity. Ten ounces or 300 grams of blueberries can protect DNA against free radicle.


2.Improve Blood Sugar

Berries help to improve blood sugar and maintain insulin levels. Healthy women can consume five ounces or 150 grams of puréed strawberries or mixed berries with bread to reduce insulin levels by 24 to 26%. Blueberry smoothie or berry smoothie twice per day can improve insulin sensitivity.


3.High Fiber

Berries are rich in fiber. One hundred grams of Raspberries contain 6.5 grams of fiber, Blackberries have 5.3 grams of fiber, Strawberries contain two grams of fiber, and Blueberries have 2.4 grams of fiber. They are low-carb fruit, which increases the feelings of fullness and reduces appetite. Because of the soluble fiber in berries, they can be used for weight loss.


4.Low In Calories

An adult needs a certain quantity of calorie daily to function correctly. For women, on average the requirement is about 2000 calories per day and 2500 for men. One cup of blueberries gives 84 calories, one cup of blackberries is about 62 calories, and a cup of strawberries can give you nearly 40 calories.


5.Nutrients And Vitamins

Berries are low in calories and several berries contain beneficial vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to help your body needs. One of the crucial vitamin is Vitamin C, which helps to increase your body’s immune system and prevents diseases such as scurvy. Berries provide manganese, which can improve the health of the brain, bone, and nervous system. Vitamin K assists in blood clotting.


6.Increase Mental Sharpness

Berries are rich in anthocyanins, which can help delay cognitive decline, keeping your mind sharper for longer. Those, who consume two servings of strawberries or one serving of blueberries per week can experience less mental decline.


7.Parkinson’s Disease Prevention

Berries are abundant in flavonoids. It can lower the risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease by 25%.


8.Boosts Heart Health

Berries are packed with heart-friendly flavonoids that help to reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol, and control blood pressure. People with a strong inherited risk of heart disease may find a diet rich in berries, raw fruits, and vegetables can be helpful. Berries reduce the chances of a heart attack.


9.Cancer Prevention

Berries are full of flavonoids, ellagic acid, resveratrol, and anthocyanins, which may help to protect against various types of cancer including colon, stomach, esophagus, mouth, and breast. Eating two ounces or 60 grams of frozen and dried raspberries for 1-9 weeks can reduce the risk of colon cancer.


10.Gut Health

Being a prebiotic-rich fruit, berries promote a healthy gut by fueling the beneficial bacteria in your digestive system. They are the best cure for constipation and improvement of bowel function.


11.Fight With Urinary Tract Infection

Berries are rich in anthocyanins, and cranberries can help to protect against urinary tract infections. Cranberries are the most useful for fighting urinary tract infections. Anthocyanin has protective properties.


12.Fight To Reduce Inflammation

Berries contain anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is a defense mechanism against any infection or injury. Modern-day lifestyles may lead to excessive long-term inflammation due to fueling stress, inadequate physical activity, and unhealthy food choices, causing conditions like diabetes, urinary tract infection, heart disease, and obesity.


13.Lower Cholesterol Level

Blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries lower cholesterol levels in people who have metabolic syndrome. Things made with frozen or dried strawberries can decrease an 11% drop in LDL or bad cholesterol and protect your body from oxidization.


14.Good For Skin

Berries can reduce skin wrinkling, the process of aging, and control free radicals. Berries contain ellagic acids, which are beneficial for the skin-related disease. This antioxidant can protect your skin by breaking down the collagen in sun-damaged skin. Collagen is the part of the skin’s structure. It stretches the skin and remains firm. Two tablespoons of blueberry juice with a cup of brown sugar and three tablespoons of lemon juice can remove impurities from your face after scrubbing.


15.Keep Arteries Healthy

Berries provide several benefits for increasing heart health, including improving the artery’s function and lowering blood cholesterol levels. Fresh berries are considered healthiest other than frozen or dried. Consuming blueberry smoothies daily can reduce metabolic syndrome and improve endothelial function.


16.Improve Eye Health

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the cause of increasing blindness in aged people. Several Studies have shown that antioxidants have the power to reduce the development of AMD and helps to prevent cataracts. Goji berries increase the macular pigment density.


17.Prevent Osteoporosis

Gooseberries are pink, light green, or red. Gooseberries are known as amla, which is used to treat colds, coughs, and fever, promote hair growth, and help to digest food. Amla is an excellent option for improving bone health. Researchers found that amla can boost liver health, prevent osteoporosis, and treat infections. You can have them fresh or cooked.


18.Treat Ulcers

Bilberries are a member of blueberries and huckleberries. These are favored for the treatment of ulcers. They can encourage the increase of protective mucus secreted in the stomach. An ulcer is a chronic inflammation and it is produced in the colon. Stress can cause cancer in the stomach or duodenum, which is called acute erosive or ulcerative lesion.


19.Reduce Delayed Muscle Soreness

Consumption of blueberries can significantly reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in Endurance athletes. It helps to decrease delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS.


20.Short Cold And Flu Symptom Duration

The purple-black fruit, called elderberries, has a tart and sour flavor. That is why it is used in syrups rather than in snacks. Black elderberry contains immune-enhancing properties.
