Top 20 Foods To Avoid To Live A Longer Life

Top 20 Foods To Avoid To Live A Longer Life

Research has proven time and time again that eating a nutritious diet and exercising regularly increases our life expectancy. Whereas factors like overeating and drinking extreme levels of alcohol may reduce life expectancy. A Johns Hopkins study of men and women over eight years found that those who adopted healthier behaviors reduced the chance of death from all causes. Some natural changes to the body as we age are a gradual loss of muscle, hair fall, skin problems, reduced energy, and joint pain. These changes may tempt us to move less, sit more, and relax as long as possible. But doing that can raise the risk of diseases and disabilities and cause untimely death. It’s essential to seek medical advice to find ways to maintain our body’s natural health. We need to do physical activities regularly that will help maintain our physical health and emotional well-being. Certain animal studies have also found that specific changes in the diet, such as incorporating low-calorie foods can increase life expectancy. These studies are clues to the biological processes in humans that may help us attain a way for healthy aging with time.

1.Highly Processed Snacks

Highly processed snacks like chips, cookies, biscuits, and crackers are high in unhealthy fats, added sugars, and artificial ingredients to give them a unique salty or sweet flavor. These snacks have no nutritional value. Instead, these harm our bodies by causing obesity, weight gain, high cholesterol, heart disease, and other chronic diseases.


2.Refined Grain

White bread, white rice, and pasta are refined grains that are stripped of essential nutrients and fiber. Consuming these grains daily can lead to blood sugar spikes, weight gain, worsening the conditions of PCOS and PCOD patients, and an increased risk of chronic diseases.


3.Artificial Sweetener

Artificial sweeteners found in several diet sodas, sugar-free candies, sugar-free sweets, sugar-free drinks, and processed foods, may seem like a much healthier alternative. However, research suggests that it is just the opposite, instead, these sweeteners can negatively impact gut health, increase cravings for sweet foods, and contribute to weight gain at an alarming rate.


4.Fried Foods

Formation of harmful substances, such as acrylamide increase when a food is fried. This increases the risk of cancer and affects our blood vessels. Fried foods contribute to obesity and heart disease as they consist of a high amount of calories and unhealthy fats. Baked, grilled, or steamed food options are great alternatives for your diet. So, next time you crave a crispy snack, bake it instead of frying it.


5.High Sodium Foods

High sodium intake is associated with an increase in blood pressure at an alarming rate and an increased risk of heart disease and stroke which can lead to an untimely death. Consumption of sodium must be limited. The consumption of fresh and whole foods must be increased. We should also be careful about the amount of salt we are putting into our food.


6.Artificial Trans Fat

Trans fats are found in hydrogenated oils, margarine, and processed butter. These raise the bad cholesterol leading to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and damaging the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels. These are usually present in ingredients like butter. It is better to choose healthy fats like olive oil, avocado, and nuts for your diet instead.


7.Sugary Breakfast Cereal

Many breakfast cereals are processed with added sugars and artificial coloring agents, that contribute to weight gain, obesity, and other chronic diseases. A better choice is whole-grain cereals with minimal added sugar or making homemade granola and cereals for a healthier breakfast. Reading the ingredients list on the box before purchasing your cornflakes is essential to avoid these harmful ingredients in your diet.


8.High-Fructose Corn Syrup

HFCS is a common sweetener. This is found in sodas, processed snacks, sweets, candies, and several products available at our supermarkets. It has been linked to insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. Avoid foods containing HFCS and replace them with natural sweeteners like dates, honey, and maple syrup. Homemade food is the best food you can consume to keep your body fit and healthy.



Alcohol must be consumed by adults responsibly. Excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk of liver disease, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. It is best to limit alcohol intake to reduce health risks. Alcohol can be replaced with various juices and smoothies for a healthier lifestyle.


10.Processed Meat

Processed meats such as hot dogs, sausages, salami, Bacon, and lunch meats are high in sodium, nitrosamines, and nitrates that are linked to an increasing risk of chronic diseases like cancer and several other skin diseases. Processed meats are classified as a Group 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organization. These threaten our health and wellness. Lean meats, fish, and plant-based protein sources like Tofu are better food options to include in our diet.


11. Breakfast Pastries

Commercially manufactured and produced Muffins and croissants are breakfast pastries made with refined grains that are high in unhealthy fats and added sugars. This contributes to obesity and other chronic diseases. Look for whole-grain toast, and bakeries that serve homemade and freshly baked goods with seasonal ingredients that are authentic.


12.Fast Food

Fast food is known to be one of the unhealthiest food choices you can make. It is high in fats, sodium, andsugar additive that leads to obesity, heart disease, skin diseases, high cholesterol, and other chronic conditions. Homemade meals made with fresh ingredients like lettuce, cabbage, tomato, fish fillet, and chicken breast provide a more balanced and nutrient-dense diet.


13.Sugary Snacks

Sugary snacks like candy bars, macaroons, donuts, pastries, and ice cream are high in added sugars and empty calories. These snacks can contribute to unhealthy weight gain, obesity, diabetes, and risk of heart disease at an alarming rate.


14.Canned Foods

Canned foods that are high in sodium or contain the chemical BPA (Bisphenol A), can damage our health. BPA is an endocrine disruptor that is linked to hormonal imbalances. High cholesterol is also a side effect that we might have. Fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables are a healthier alternative. It is a healthy practice to look for BPA-free canned goods.


15.High-Sugar Yogurt

Fruit yogurts are high in added sugars and artificial ingredients, just to induce various flavors but these harmful ingredients lead to weight gain and chronic diseases. It is better to choose plain yogurt and add fresh fruit, nuts, and natural sweeteners like honey for a healthier alternative to our diet.


16.Diet Soda

Diet sodas seem like a healthier alternative to sugary drinks, but they are not as it contains synthetic sweeteners that can have a negative impact on our health. Artificial sweeteners have been linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity. Water or herbal tea is an excellent alternative.


17.Processed Cheese

Processed cheese has sodium, fats, and synthetic ingredients in high amounts. These contribute to heart disease, liver problems, skin irritations, and other health problems. It is best to choose natural, unprocessed cheese or plant-based alternatives of cheese.


18.Energy Drinks

Sports drinks are high in sugar additives and artificial ingredients, to provide the extra taste and a boost of energy when consumed. These drinks can contribute to weight gain, heart disease, and chronic diseases. Alternative for these drinks is coconut water and homemade electrolyte drinks for hydration.


19.Boxed Cake mixes

Boxed cake mixes often contain several unhealthy fats, added sugars, and artificial ingredients to increase the flavor of cakes. But these contribute to weight gain, high cholesterol, and chronic diseases. It is best to bake our cakes from scratch using whole grains, eggs, natural sweeteners, and fresh ingredients available in the region, like seasonal fruits.


20.Store Bought Smoothies

Store-bought smoothies can have extremely high levels of added sugars and artificial ingredients, these are added to make the drink taste better and look more attractive. But these ingredients contribute to uncontrollable weight gain and chronic diseases. It is better to make our smoothies at home using fresh fruits, vegetables, honey, dates, and maple syrup.
