Ice cream is a feeling that all of us need to celebrate something, or be relived from heat. It is an emotion, and we need to choose the most popular and exquisite ice cream brand to enjoy the experience of a sweet and cold treat.
Smitten’s ice cream is the smoothest of them all. The; CEO of Smitten, Sue Fisher, has co-founded the supercooling device that freezes ice cream in a minute and the machine is also responsible for changing the texture of the ice cream. So; if you want to experience the smoothest ice cream, Smitten is best.

2.Gelato Fiasco
Gelato Fiasco was founded by 24 year Joshua Davis and Bruno Tropeano; they both educated themselves about gelato and started this ice cream brand. This; brand symbolizes bold, intense flavor, with a promise to maintain the quality and consistency of their ice cream.

Gifford’s originated from Connecticut and is known for using natural ingredients such as guar gum and seaweed-derived carrageenan. It; shines best in its simplicity, and its simple yet delightful taste can be in the Cannoli, Maine Wild Blueberry, or Pink Peppermint.

Whitey’s was first opened in 1933 and now has become an institution on both sides of the Mississippi River. It uses cookie dough in its ice cream, is sugar-free, and uses machinery products to make its cream thick.

It is an American ice cream based in Los Angeles, founded by two women, Natasha Case and Freya Estreller. Coolhaus is known for its imaginative flavors, and it offers dairy-free flavors.

Graeter’s was founded in 1870, and is one of the few French ice cream brands explaining a canister that freezes a chilled ice cream mixture while scraping down from the sides. Graeter’s; releases a new seasonal flavor making an excellent calendar to try.

7.Sassy Cow
Sassy Cow makes flavors from 850 cows and is very respectful towards their animals on the farm. They pride themselves on bottling great-tasting milk, making them the award-winning ice cream you can find.

This company is 170 years old founded by a milkman, and still innovating ideas to keep its ice cream best. If you are looking for a lighter calorie count, hood’s ice cream is perfect.

9.Frozen Farmer
Frozen Farmer serves low-calorie, flavorful desserts marked to 70-80 calories per pint. The founders, Couple Katey and Kevin Evans, turned their farm into premium ice cream business, which is now among the most popular ice cream brands.

10.High Road
Keith Schroeder, with his wife Nicki as Chef, set up a high-quality ice cream brand that follows its heart to create satisfying taste combinations for their customers. The company is multiplying as it launched its Mexican-style ice cream in 2020.

Jeni’s is one of the popular ice cream brands with local shops all over the world. Their unique flavors, like maple-soaked pancakes, banana cream pudding, and sorbet, make it the best ice cream worldwide.

12.Van Leeuwen’s
It was founded in New York in 2008, and have shops all around the world, and also offers shipping worldwide. It also offers many unique flavors but also has flavors in its vegan varieties of ice cream.

13.Salt Straw
Salt Straw has an extremely long line of flavors including Hunk a Chunk Peanut Butter and Jelly, Honey Lavender, and Cinnamon. Although; its ice cream is a bit expensive, but never disappoint its customers, and the buyers go wild over their massive variety of flavors.

Tillamook is an Oregon-based business that, apart from different flavors of ice creams, also sells additional cheese, butter, and dairy products. Their exciting flavors include banana split, Tillamook mudslide, and Marionberry pie.

15.Ample Hills
This ice cream brand serves its ice creams in a cart in Brooklyn, and now it has shops in various places like California and New York. They offer yummy flavors like Nectar of the Queens and other flavors are also pretty exceptional.

Mcconnell’s delicate ice cream founded in Santa Barbara in 1949, and they make their ice creams from scratch using organic ingredients from their farms.

17.Adirondack Creamery
It was founded in New York, and the founders of Adirondack Creamery pride themselves on additives products in their ice creams. Their ice cream is exceptional as it is super creamy, and they use high-quality cream to produce their unique flavors.

Talenti was founded in 2003 and made both gelatos and sorbets. They have many flavors, including gluten-free, egg-free, or vegan. Their gelatos are lighter than ice cream and loved by many people.

19.Ben Jerry’s
Ben Jerry’s is an American company that manufactures yogurt, ice cream, and sorbet. Their; ice cream is euphoric with many flavors like Netflix and Chill, a peanut butter frozen dessert with brownies and pretzels.

Magnum is mainly known for its signature hard chocolate in its ice cream pints. They also carry various flavors, such as double chocolate cookie crumble, double red velvet, and many more. Magnum was the first ice cream created as a premium for adults, and today, it is a global leading brand, selling 1 billion units annually.