Bell peppers or Capsicum remain the favorite of all healthy eaters. While, many people believe that red, green, and yellow capsicums are different, they are essential. Red capsicum is most mature with bright colors, rich in carotenoid, photo-nutrients, and vitamin C, and has a fruity taste. Red capsicum contains 11 times more beta-carotene than green capsicum. According to experts, yellow, orange, and red capsicums contain more nutrients than green ones. Capsicum annuum (family is Solanaceae) is the scientific name of capsicum. Capsicum may have different names, like Shimla mirch in India, bell peppers in America, and peppers in the UK. Let’s see some exciting health benefits of this vegetable and fruit in the table below. Capsicum also contains anthocyanins, flavonoids, and phenolic acid. Green capsicums are needed to be cooked before use.
1.Nutrition Facts
Fresh bell peppers are composed of water, almost 92%. The sources of raw red bell peppers are Calories, Water (92%), Protein (1 gm), Carbohydrate (6 gm), Sugar (4.2 gm), Fiber (2.1 gm), and Fat (0.3 gm).

2.Vitamins And Minerals
Capsicums are packed with vitamins and minerals. Riped chilies (containing more fructose and capsaicin) are one of the richest sources of Vitamin C. Red capsicums have more than double the amount of vitamin C than orange capsicum. All the capsicum contains Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin K1, Vitamin E, Magnesium, Potassium, and Folate (vitamin B9).

3.Function As Antioxidants
Everyone needs plenty of antioxidants to fight cancerous cells and free radicles in their body. It protects us from chronic diseases such as cancer. If it is not consumed adequately, your body organs will encounter oxidative cleavage, which can be fatal. More studies are underway to know the benefits of antioxidants found in capsicum.

4.Manage Blood Glucose Level
Capsicum contains capsaicin and capsaicin analog. It has a hypoglycemic effect and may help manage blood glucose levels.

5.Improve Metabolism
Capsicum improves body metabolism. It can stimulate vasodilatation (increased blood flow) and manage thermogenesis (heat production). When thermogenesis increases, the metabolism rate also increases. It is concluded that daily consumption of capsicum improves the body’s metabolism.

6.Manage Cancer
Capsicum contains a high amount of Capsaicin, which is a bioactive phytochemical. Capsaicin can alter gene expression and help in cancer cell survival, apoptosis, angiogenesis, and metastasis.

7.Helps To Heal Wound
Capsicum contains capsaicin and dihydro-capsaicin that help to heal body wounds because of their antibacterial properties. Several studies claimed that capsicum has antibacterial ingredients.

8.Boost Immunity
Your immune system performs an essential function and fights with infectious bacteria. To improve the condition of your immune system, you should incorporate foods, rich in Vitamin C. Bell peppers are abundant in Vitamin C. Nutritionists advise eating orange bell peppers to boost immunity.

9.Maintain Anxiety
Capsicum is rich in Vitamin B6 and magnesium. It controls the nervous system of our body. It can relieve anxiety and improve the panic attacks. Capsicum has magnesium, which relaxes muscle tension. Daily capsicum consumption in your diet might relieve your anxiety attacks.

10. Enhance Vision
Do you know eating one bell pepper can reduce the risk of visual impairments? Capsicum contains beta-carotenoid and lutein. These are essential for maintaining eye health and preventing eyes from Macular degeneration and cataracts. It protects the retina and may improve cataracts and macular degeneration.

11. Prevent Anemia
Are you a frail person? Anemia is common when your blood contains less than normal blood cells or hemoglobin. The symptoms include weakness and tiredness. Please eat one medium-sized red bell pepper daily to reduce the risk of anemia. It contains Vitamin C and iron.

12. Has Pain-Relieving Effects
Capsicum is used for pain-relieving and nerve-related pain. It has capsaicin. Capsaicin is used for the treatment of Morton’s neuroma. This condition primarily affects the foot. In arthritis, it is injected into joints.

13.Reduce Mortality Rate
Are you curious about the association between hot red chili peppers and mortality? According to NCBI, the total mortality rate of the people who eat hot red chili peppers is 21.6%, and 33.6% for those who do not want to eat capsicum.

14. Improve Digestion
Improper digestion can result in diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting and these conditions are utterly irritating and draining. Nutritionists recommend incorporating bell pepper into your daily diet due to the high niacin content. Niacin is essential to improve your digestive system. Proper digestion will allow you to absorb minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients that you consume daily.

15.Role In Bone Health
Capsicum is the main source of manganese (a mineral) that contributes to bone cartilage formation, bone mineralization, and bone collagen formation. Capsicum contains a high amount of Vitamin K that makes bones strong and protects from osteoporosis.

16.Beneficial For Skin
Red, green, and yellow bell papers contain Vitamin C, which is needed to form collagen. It maintains your skin’s firmness and acts as a shield for the cells. Collagen can protect from oxidative damage. Capsicum juice has antioxidants and phytonutrients, which keep your skin bright and healthy.

17.Beneficial For Hair
It is another reason, why you should eat bell papers. It contains vitamin C, which is an excellent option for healthy hair. Vitamin C transports oxygen to hair follicles. Hair follicles, skin, and circulatory systems need collagen to function correctly. Low vitamin C means hair-dry, hair-splitting, and hair breakage.

18.Aid In Weight Loss
Capsicum turns carbohydrates into energy. In this way, your body remains unaffected by the bad carbohydrates. Capsicum has fewer calories and zero fat content. Red capsicum has high antioxidants and nutrients that promote weight loss. It can protect our body from free radicals and internal inflammation. Green capsicums have lower sugar than other types and can be an excellent treatment for diabetes.

19.Good For Cardiovascular Health
Red capsicum contains a phytonutrient, called Lycopene. Capsicum has folate and vitamin B6, which lowers homocysteine levels to reduce the risk of heart disease. It contains antioxidants to protect from free radicals.

20. Respiratory Conditions
Do you have a runny nose or chronic cough? Capsicum can cure chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, emphysema, and runny nose. Recent studies showed that capsicum can be a safe curing option for respiratory conditions. Reducing capsaicin can cause sensitivity to many respiratory conditions, like COPD and asthma.