Colombia is a South American country. It is a vibrant and passionate country. The rich volcanic soils of this place produce some of the best coffee around the world. It has enormous varieties of flowers, gold, and emerald. It is a beautiful country, with beautiful landscapes. The cuisine of this place is also vibrant, with a wide range of food dishes and drinks. Here, in this article, we will talk about some of the best drinks from Colombia.
Aguardiente is the firewater from Colombia. This drink is one of the most iconic alcoholic drinks in Colombia. It has a 29% to 60% alcohol level on average. It is one of the most enjoyed drinks.
Canelazo is an authentic spiced cinnamon rum drink from Colombia. It combines unrefined cane, water, cinnamon, and sugar. Sometimes, local fruit juice is also added to enhance the taste.
Refajo is a simple yet authentic drink that combines beer and soda. Equal parts of beer and soda are used to make this dish. Its taste is similar to the sweetened version of champagne. A wedge of lime or orange is used to garnish this drink.
4. Jugo
Jugo is the most loved fruit juice from Colombia. Due to the tropical climate, Colombia has abundant fruits. These are the fresh and natural juices that are prepared by local vendors.
5.Limonada De Coco
Limonada De Coco is a delicious lime and coconut cream. It is a very refreshing drink that requires ice, lime juice, and coconut cream to get prepared. These ingredients are blended to form a delicious drink.
Cholados is a famous Colombian snow cone drink with fruits. It is a non-alcoholic drink in which shaved ice is used as the drink’s base. Condensed milk, syrup, and fruits are used to make this glass.
Pola is an authentic Colombian beer. This alcoholic beverage is widely available in Colombia under famous brands like Costeña, Águila, and Pilsen. It has an authentic taste too.
Guarapo is a sugarcane juice famous in Colombia. It has a delicious sweet taste from the sugarcane, and there is no artificial sweetener added to it. A refreshing drink is created with lime juice as it adds sourness to the sweet drink.
Chapil is a drink similar to Aguardiente. It is mixed with Canelazo and has a high alcohol content. It is not a local drink and sometimes can be challenging to find.
10.Chocolate Con Queso
Chocolate Con Queso is a delicious Colombian chocolate drink. Cheese and chocolate are the main ingredients used to make this dish. The melted cheese is added to the hot chocolate, which makes it more creamy and delicious.
11.Colombia Cocktail
Colombia Cocktail is an alcoholic drink enjoyed in Colombia. This authentic drink is made by layering vodka, grenadine, and curaçao. A concoction of vodka and orange juice is added to the top of the mixture.
12.Colombian Sodas
Sodas are a very famous drink enjoyed in Colombia. The popular brand that makes soda in the region goes by Postobon. Many types of flavors are available in sodas, like lemon, orange, lemon, strawberry, pineapple, apple, and grape.
13.Masato De Arroz
Masato De Arroz is a non-alcoholic Colombian fermented rice drink. It is traditionally prepared, and cinnamon and syrup are added to enhance the taste.
Champús is a non-alcoholic lulo, pineapple, and corn drink from Columbia. These fruits create a magical and refreshing drink with a delicious sweet taste.
Chicha is an alcoholic fermented corn drink. It has a sweet taste that overtakes alcohol and makes the person drunk, so it should be drunk carefully. Corn is fermented to create this drink, along with sugar or honey. A particular type of cheese is used in this.
Rum is a widely enjoyed drink in Colombia. It is the second-most popular drink too. The rum that is famous in Colombia is the Dictador rum which is made using sugarcane honey.
17.Colombian Coffee
Coffee is a staple drink in Columbia. 10% of the total exports in the country comprise coffee. The local coffee has a strong scent of caramel essence with a mild taste. It is usually enjoyed with other food items.
18.Avena Colombiana
Avena Colombiana is a famous Columbian oatmeal drink. Locals prepare this drink with oatmeal. The sweet and creamy taste is perfect for a good refreshment. Other ingredients are cinnamon, sugar, and cloves.
Aguapanela is a sugarcane drink that is enjoyed in Colombia. This is a simple and refreshing drink that uses sugarcane and water as the main ingredients. Lime juice is added to enhance the taste.
20.Sabajón Colombiano
Sabajón Colombiano is a delicious Colombian eggnog drink. It is prepared from authentic Aguardiente instead of simple brandy or rum. It is an alcoholic drink.