Which vegetables have the highest protein count? Are green peas a good source of protein? People argue that fat and carbohydrates are the only things to choose for the best vegetables. Protein is important for our health. It has numerous benefits including increasing strength and muscle mass and helping to lose weight. For vegetarians and vegans, there are many plant-based high-protein, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and beneficial sources. In this article, I will show you the Top 20 delicious high-protein foods that are super healthy.
Let’s start with something unexpected. They are among the healthiest grains on the planet, loaded with high fibers, magnesium, Vitamin B1, thiamine, and several other nutrients. The protein content makes up 15% of the total calories. Half a cup of oats (raw) has 13 grams of protein. Oats are gluten-free.

Broccoli is an incredibly healthy and super nutritious vegetable. It contains more protein than other vegetables. One cup of chopped broccoli contains about three grams of protein. 11.1 grams of protein present in broccoli. It is a better source of protein than red meat.

Lentils are among the world’s best sources of plant-based protein. It is an excellent source for vegetarian people and vegan people. It contains high fiber, magnesium, potassium, folate, iron, and several other important nutrients. One cup of boiled lentils contains 18 grams of protein with 230 calories. Other high-protein legumes are soybeans, kidney beans, and chickpeas.

4.Sweet Green Peas
Green peas are not just a delicious vegetable, they are packed with health-building protein and fiber. It makes them the vegetables with the highest amount of protein. One cup of peas will give you 8.6 grams of protein. One cup of green peas contains 35% of fiber. Peas are added to most meals to make them filling.

We have our feelings about spinach. It is packed with protein. One cup of spinach gives 5 grams of protein to do various activities. Along with protein, spinach has healthy nutrients. It is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin K, and Vitamin C. These vitamins help maintain your immune system, keep blood flow healthy, and improve vision.

Do you know about this vegetable’s name? This vegetable is loaded with protein. It has fiber and antioxidants. One cup of artichokes will give you almost five grams of protein. Artichokes can reduce bad cholesterol in the body. It helps to control blood pressure levels, maintain liver health, and improve digestive systems.

7.Sweet Corn
Sweet corn is a source of protein and has several health benefits. One cup of sweet corn gives 4.7 grams of protein and you will get 12 % of your daily fiber. The combination of protein and fiber will satisfy you after a meal and keep you feeling full. Cooking or boiling sweet corn, will boost the nutrients and increase antioxidants. Cooked corn has ferulic acid.

Do you know about avocados’ health benefits? Avocado reduces the risk of heart disease, lose weight, and has healthy fat. One cup of avocado gives 5 grams of protein. This vegetable contains potassium, fiber, several B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K. Avocado toast is the classic dish most people love.

Asparagus is another vegetable packed with protein and a low-carb vegetable. One cup of cooked asparagus contains mostly five grams of protein. This protein-packed vegetable contains folate, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, phosphorus, vitamin K, and potassium. It helps to improve your digestive health.

10.Brussel Sprouts
Brussels sprouts contain protein, fiber, antioxidants, several vitamins, and minerals. One cup of cooked Brussels sprouts has four grams of protein. It helps to steady the blood sugar. Adding this vegetable to your diet daily can help you fight against oxidative cleavage.

Did mushrooms count as a vegetable? Four dry shiitake mushrooms (edible) provide one gram of protein. Can you imagine how much protein you will get after an entire dish of mushrooms? It has low calories, high fiber, and is cholesterol-free. It is packed with beta-glucans.

I know many of you do not like this vegetable. It is a superfood and has several health benefits. One cup of kale gives you four grams of protein. This vegetable is packed with manganese, calcium, and potassium. Researchers have shown that it can lower the blood pressure. It acts as an anti-depressant agent.

Potatoes can be cooked in different ways. This vegetable is not always healthy. A simple serving potato contains three grams of protein. It also gives 25% vitamin C and 25% potassium. A study (among type 2 diabetics) showed that consuming a resistant starch-based meal can remove your excess blood sugar.

One cup of cooked chickpeas will give you 14.5 grams of protein. This potent vegetable contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidant activity, and polyphenols. You will get healthy fats, vitamins A, vitamin C, vitamin E, folate, magnesium, potassium, and iron than the people who do not want to eat chickpeas.

Did you know about Edamame? It is a Japanese dish. This potent vegetable is packed with healthy plant-rich protein, vitamins, iron, magnesium, and minerals. One cup of edamame will give you 18.46 grams of total protein. Normally, you can find this in the local sushi restaurant.

16.Mung Beans
Just half or one cup of cooked mung beans will give you seven grams of protein. Mung bean is called green gram or mash. It is rich in nutrients, antioxidants, sodium, and potassium. It acts as a nutritional powerhouse. You can include this vegetable in curry, soup, salad, and vegetable bowl.

17.Sweet Potatoes
One large cooked sweet potato contains five grams of protein. Imagine taking one sweet potato daily with your diet for a guilt-free life. It is the source of beta-carotene, which helps to promote healthy vision and the immune system.

I bet many of you do not know that Cauliflower is the best vegetable protein source. Eating cauliflower once or twice a week with different vegetables will give you better nutritional value. A 100 gram of cauliflower contains 1.9 grams of protein.

19.Lima Beans
You may ask whether lima beans are a legume or a vegetable. One cup of cooked lima beans will give an impressive 8.2 grams of protein. Lima beans are a plant-rich protein vegetable when incorporated into any meal. They are rich in magnesium, calcium, several B vitamins, iron, copper, and zinc.

20.Soybean Sprouts
One cup of soybean sprouts contains nearly 8% of the daily Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and Vitamin B6. It contains 13.1 grams of protein.