1. Carrots
Carrots are a rich source of beta-carotene. They contain many antioxidants, vitamins like vitamin A, B, C, K, folate, iron, potassium, copper, and other minerals. They drive in reducing the risk of cancer. Carrots are good for skin, nails, and hair growth. One can make various carrot dishes like carrot vegetable, carrot desserts, etc.

2. Berries
There are various types of berries available in the market like Blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, cherries, Goji berries, etc. These berries are rich in Vitamin C, and help in destroying the harmful radicals that damage the skin. Berries can be an taken in the form of breakfast with cereals, or in juices.

3. Bell Peppers
Bell Peppers are beneficial for strengthening the nervous system and the immune system. They help in reducing the free radicals and act as an antioxidant. They are anti-inflammatory and good for digestion. They increase the eyesight power and drives weight loss. People make different kinds of bell pepper sabji’s which are delicious. One can also find green, yellow, and red colored bell pepper in the market.

4. Sweet Potato
Sweet Potato tastes sweet and delicious when cooked or fried with spices. People can make various types of side dishes with sweet potato. It is helpful in strengthening bones and boosting the immunity system. It is an excellent source of Vitamins A, B, C and D, Iron, and Magnesium. It is a low-calorie food.

5. Broccoli
Broccoli is a rich source of Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin A, B, and E, Omega Acids, Zinc, Dietary Fiber, Phosphorous, Iron, Selenium, and much more. Broccoli helps in detoxification of the body, repairs the damaged cells, strengthens teeth and bones, prevents cancer, good for heart and liver, and improves the digestive system.

6. Kale
Kale is a vegetable which is like cabbage, but it has thick dark green leaves. Kale has loads of health benefits, and provides Vitamin A, B12, C, D, K, Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, Protein, and Carbohydrates. Kale is fat-free, thus helps in reducing bad cholesterol. It also has high content of fiber, and body detoxification too.

7. Squash
Squash is a yellow colored medium sized fruit. It is beneficial for our body in many ways, and provides Vitamins, Minerals, Folate, Copper, Thiamine, Potassium, Iron, and many more nutrients. Squash helps in strengthening bones. It increases the metabolism rate of the body, thereby reducing extra fats.

8. Spinach
Spinach is one of the beneficial vegetables for our body. We have been listening to the Spinach stories since childhood, and those have been the facts. Spinach helps in losing weight, prevents cancer, improves vision, strengthening bones, reduces hypertension, prevents heart attack, and has many more amazing benefits. Spinach can be cooked as a dry recipe or a gravy one.

9. Dark Chocolate
Pura Dark Chocolate prepared from the cocoa beans are very helpful for keeping our body healthy. It acts as a natural detoxifying agent. It prevents cancer and developing harmful free radicals in the body. Improves heart rate, reduces cholesterol level, helps in improving the quality of skin and hair, and reduces blood sugar level.

10. Oranges
Oranges help in keeping our skin healthy and glowing. They also help in preventing cancer, diabetes, blood pressure, skin allergies, and other disorders. But never overfill your body with these, excess oranges can also have some side effects which can result in improper digestion. Oranges provide Vitamin C, B1, A, Potassium, Calcium, and Copper.

11. Nuts
There are plenty of nuts available in the market which are helpful for maintaining a healthy body. These nuts include almonds, cashew nuts, pistachios, peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc. These nuts have enormous nutrients which help in building a healthy body. They contain unsaturated fatty acids which help in reducing cholesterol level, fiber contents, vitamins, and proteins. One must intake a few nuts every day to stay fit.

12. Chia Seeds
Chia Seeds are a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids and many more nutrients. They help in decreasing cholesterol ; thereby reducing the chances of cardiac arrest and nerve system breakdown. One must take about 20 grams of this seed every day. It also brings one’s weight under control. These seeds are also called Sabza in Hindi.

13. Salmon
Salmon is also known as Rawas in Hindi. This fish is rich in proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants. It helps in losing weight, reducing bad cholesterol, and detoxifying your body. It tastes delicious. One can prepare curry or make fish fry which goes well with rice or roti.

14. Eggs
Eggs are a rich source of proteins and vitamins. Egg vitamins include Vitamin B2, B12, B6, and D. It also provides zinc, selenium, copper, and iron. An adult can consume three eggs per day on an average. It helps in weight loss, reduces cardiac arrests, increases good cholesterol, and improves cell membranes.

15. Corn
Corn can be consumed raw, fried, boiled, or in powder form. People make various dishes with corn flour or corn. We also get baby corn in the market which can be put in dry sabzi’s or gravies. Corn acts as an antioxidant which helps in improving the eye power. It also provides proteins and fiber contents.

16. Whole Grains
Whole grains are a rich source of fiber which help in the proper digestive system. It increases the metabolism rate of our body. They have a high content of vitamin B, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Whole grains can be the ingredients in making roti’s, or brown bread and many other recipes.

17. Legumes
Legumes are vegetable seeds like lentils, pulses, beans, and peas. They contain fiber, proteins, iron, vitamins, zinc, folate, calcium, and magnesium. They also act as an antioxidant. They have low-fat content. Legumes can be dried and used in cooking or can also place for sprouting and then cooked. They can also be put in salads, vegetables, or in gravies.

18. Dairy Products
Dairy Products include a variety of things made from milk. These include milk, ghee, butter, cheese, chocolates,ice creams, cakes, and many more. Milk is rich in calcium, vitamins, carbohydrates, selenium, protein, riboflavin, zinc, magnesium, and phosphorous. It strengthens bones and teeth. Helps in maintaining a healthy heart, and improves the skin quality.

19. Oysters And Liver
Oysters and Liver are very beneficial for a healthy body. Oysters help in weight loss as they contain lots of proteins. It also helps in preventing anemia. It reduces the cholesterol, improves immunity, and strengthens bones. Livers have a high content of vitamins, folate, and detoxifying agents.

20. Wheat Germ
Wheat Germ is the embryo part of the wheat. It is very healthy for the human body. It has a lot of fiber, potassium, phosphorous, zinc, good fats, proteins, magnesium, and antioxidants. Many delicious dishes include wheat germ. People love its taste. It helps in keeping skin fresh and moisturized.